
Dominica Hosts Groundbreaking Essentials of Migration Data Training

Roseau, DominicaThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) hosted the two-day Essentials of Migration Data Training (EMDT) at the Fort Young Hotel from December 1617, 2024. The training, which preceded a three-day workshop on Building Capacity for Effective Labour Migration Management was attended by government officials and provided a foundational understanding of migration data and statistics, along with strategies for obtaining, analyzing, and disseminating data at various stages of the data life cycle.

Facilitated by IOM Project Coordinator, Vynliz Dailey, the EMDT aimed to empower government stakeholders with the knowledge and skills needed to produce a common evidence base on migration data. The training was rooted in IOMs Essentials of Migration Data guide, developed by the Global Data Institute through its Global Migration and Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC). This guide incorporates insights from comprehensive reviews, consultations with data experts, and resources from international organizations, national statistical offices, and academic institutions.

The Essentials of Migration Data Training represents a significant step forward in equipping Dominica with the tools to manage migration more effectively,said Vynliz Dailey. By improving the way we collect, analyze, and share data, we can make informed decisions that benefit migrants, their families, and the broader community.

Participants gained insights into the importance of migration data collection and its impact on policymaking. The training covered critical areas, including:

  • Understanding key concepts in migration data and statistics, aligned with international standards and conventions.
  • Identifying strategies for obtaining, linking, and integrating data, including the use of innovative methods such as big data.
  • Evaluating the strengths and limitations of existing data sources in Dominica and exploring ways to improve data quality.
  • Learning about the stages of the data life cycle: planning, collection, management, analysis, and dissemination.
  • Fostering collaboration between government agencies to address Dominicas migration data needs and establish systems for data sharing.


Participants lauded the training as an essential step in improving migration management in Dominica.

Nella Jules, statistician in the Statistics Office noted, “Learning about data disaggregation and the standardization of migration data will be crucial for generating reliable statistics, which can influence national planning and development.”

Another participant, Husa Seaman, trade officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs, emphasized the importance of collaboration:
“Understanding the relationship between migration data and policy-making will enhance my ability to integrate migration considerations into trade negotiations and agreements.”

The Essentials of Migration Data Training underscores Dominicas commitment to enhancing migration management through evidence-based strategies. With stronger systems in place, the country is better positioned to address migration challenges and capitalize on opportunities that benefit both migrants and the wider community.

For further information about IOMs migration data initiatives, please contact:

IOM Dominica
Phone: 767 285 0794

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals